Places of interest
From Montalbano you can easily reach the following tourist locations:
Baia Vallugola (Vallugola Bay)

It’s easy to understand that during the Roman period the coast was very different from the actual shape and Vallugola’s harbour was a sort of fiord where the sea could pierce giving a sure docking to the boats.
Vallugola is known since ancient times and it should have been appreciated by Greek sailors who never lost the seight from the coast and could provide drinking water.
After year 1000 the harbour increased its importance, so it became object of many controversies between Ravenna and Pesaro that wanted the control of the Vallugola’s seaport.
While Pesaro harbour, situated at the estuary of Foglia river was always covered by sand and stones, Vallugola’s harbour became ducal with an own master and an official who collected duties. The main goods leaving from the harbour was: local products, broad beans, vases and water-bags full with wine, oil and seeds coming from the rich island. In 1914 Della Rovere decided to deviate the Foglia river’s flow and to activate the Pesaro’s harbour and Vallugola lost completely its importance.
Fiorenzuola di Focara

In the origin the hamlet was called Fiorenzuola and only on 1890 it took the name of Fiorenzuola di Focara probably because of the many fires used at that time to signal the position to the boats or to signal the “ fornacelle” that were special furnaces used for the production of bricks and terracotta products.
As proof of its history, in the city there’re still some gates dated ‘600-‘700, some doorknockers and rests of the medieval walls.
Very interesting to see is the door on which there’s a tablet recalling Dante’s verses that tell a fact really happened into the sea water ( inferno XXVIII)
Another place to visit is the Sant’Andrea’s church of which there’re documents since XII century.
It’s very suggestive to take a walk in this small hamlet that preserves in its alleys and squares the memories of the past.

Gradara became famous due to the passionate and tragic story of Paolo e Francesca, described by Dante in the Vth canto of the Inferno poem.
The Gradara’s castle is very well conserved and is one of the most beautiful castles of Italy.
During the year, the Proloco association organizes festivals and historical reconstruction.
Grotte di Frasassi

They are karst underground caves discovered on 1948.
Grotte di Onferno


Mondaino is a malatestian citadel and it seems to be founded by the Etruscans. Probably the name is due to the big amount of deers that lived in the local woods.

The landscape is pleasant with all its soft hill that climb down to the valley. The structure of the village is beautiful and all the restructured buildings make Montegridolfo one of the most qualified and innovative center for the tourism and relax of the whole Romagna’s inland.
Morciano di Romagna

Morciano is famous as home town of the sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro and the futurist painter Umberto Boccioni who was born in Reggio Calabria but as his parents were from Morciano he has always considered himself native of Romagna.
Mociano is also wellknown for the ancient Ghigi’ pasta factory.

It’s a medieval hamlet in Rimini district and it’s in the center of the Malatestian fortress’s crown. Saludecio was a stronghold but also shelter for the pilgrims and main city of the Valley during the Renaissance period.
The walls preserve the sign of the vivid past.
San Giovanni in Marignano

The economy is based on agricultural products as the ground is very fertile and the farmlands is well drawed.
Wheat and wine are plentiful and of excellent quality. The ancient fortresses and the village’s structure tell the importance that the village had among the Malatestian lordship.
Nowadays in San Giovanni in Marignano lots of companies of international importance and leader in branches such as fashion and shipbuilding have their headquarters.
Due to the good recovery of its culture, architectural properties and innate vocation for theater and music, San Giovanni in Marignano is one of the most active and important point of Rimini’s district.
During the year there are several local markets and fairs on the streets and during the summer solstice for one week the magic Witches’ night brings traditions and mystery.
San Leo

The view from San Leo is one of the most beautiful and typical of the region: the view extends from the surrounding mounts down to the valley reaching finally the sea.
San Marino

San Marino rises on the Monte Titano, it has own mint, stamps, football team and army.
Visiting San Marino you shall see the 3 beautiful fortresses on the top of the mount, connected one to the other by rock paths all connected to the citadel which is surrounded by a triple raw of walls. From each side of the territory, especially from the top of the mount the view is unique and unforgettable: Emilia Romagna’s lands, Marche’s and Montefeltro’s hills down to the Adriatic sea
Theme Parks
From la Rosa dei Venti B&B you can swiftly reach the following theme parks:
Cattolica Aquarium

Piazzale delle Nazioni, 47841, Cattolica (RN)
Tel: 0541 8371
Fax: 0541 831350

Via Ascoli Piceno 6, 47838, Riccione (RN)
Tel: 0541 603050
Fax: 0541 606454

Neverlands exists and it’s in Rimini. The Peter Pan’s bay, Merlino’s castle, the gold mine and the Apache’s village wait for you. And if the nature is your passion come to visit the garden of the forgotten Fruits and the farmer ‘s house next to the Old farm where you can experience the one-time traditions, when we lived in contact with the nature. Cinema 4D.
Via Gerolamo Cardano 15, 47924, Rimini (RN)
Garden Golf
Horses Riviera Resort

via Montalbano 353, 47842, San Giovanni in Marignano (RN)
Tel: 0541 826611
Fax: 0541 826666

Viale Ascoli Piceno, 47838, Riccione (RN)
Tel: 0541 609000
Fax: 0541 427101
Italia in Miniatura

Via Popilia 239, 47922, Viserba di Rimini (RN)
Tel: 0541 736736
Fax: 0541 732203

48125, Ravenna (RA)
Tel: 0544 560195
Fax: 0544 561156

Come to discover the life on the Po river ’s delta, the animals of the farm, the dolphins’ world, the elegance of the seahorses and all the nature around you. It will be an incredible experience both for children and adults.
via Ascoli Piceno 6, Riccione (RN)
Riviera Golf Resort

Via Conca Nuova 1236, 47842, San Giovanni in Marignano (RN)
Tel: 0541 956499